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Alan Browning - Our Tribute

It is difficult to know quite where to start as Alan was of course such a huge
part of the Football Club since 1960. So, we have tried to gather a few
memories of Alan from some of the Broomfield Football Club Family.
In Alan’s early playing days, we understand that they would use part of The
Angel pub to change in. Among his playing contemporaries were The Barford
brothers, Ron, George and Ray (a former president of BFC) and Denny
Boreham. No doubt there were many, many more.

During the 60s he came up against another BFC stalwart the late Jim Ford
(who never actually played for Broomfield). Alan would say that Jim left his
mark several times as he still had the scars from their encounter’s years later.
Some of us can also recall an encounter involving the putting up of a gazebo
one funday with neither Alan nor Jim wanting to admit defeat despite there
being a missing pole. That gazebo was very quickly consigned into a heap in
the corner.

There are also stories that back in the day supporters would put a penny into a
collection pot, so they had the money to pay the referee. Bob Jarred recalls
doing just that.
Ann Oliver first met Alan as an 8-year-old kid watching him play football on
Saturday afternoons. Ann recalls that Alan was always so tolerant of the kids
on match days. Always happy to let them join in the pre-match kick in and they
would stand behind the goals to collect balls when they missed the target.
Apparently, they were kept quite busy.

Ann remembers that Alan was a right winger who was calm, assured and
talented on the ball. He was also a gentleman on and off the pitch.
Of course, the old clubhouse didn’t exist then. The team was by this time using
a small wooden hut on the land that is now part of the Village Hall complex.
Alan was heavily involved in what was effectively a land swap which would
allow the club to build the old club HQ.

In the early 1990’s when he was Club Chairman, he supported everyone. He
watched as many of the teams play and attended as many cup finals as he
could. He was particularly supportive of Ann who was one of only 2 female
managers at the time. We also know that he loved to drive down to Werlte in
Germany with Sue for the Exchange visits.

His association with the club was continued through his son Chris playing for
Broomfield for many years.
Alan continued his association with the club throughout the decades, and
regularly attended Managers’ meetings. He was always keen to ensure the
history and traditions of the club were respected and was happy to share the
history of how the club evolved.

Alan’s contribution was rewarded when he became President of the club. A
position he held until his passing. He became the club’s longest serving
associate because of his contribution throughout the decades.
Even when he first became unwell, he was still keen to know what was
happening at the club and still liked to visit with Sue and the family.
We would like to think that Alan is now looking down and smiling at where we
are now as a club from when he was using the little wooden shed all those
years ago. They say, “from little acorns grow” and we are sure he would be
hugely proud.

Alan was one of life’s true gentleman and indeed a gentle man. It was a life
lived well and a life well lived, and Broomfield Football Club will miss him

Wilfred Lübs - Our Tribute


Wilfried Lübs

The Broomfield Football Club family are very sad to hear of the recent passing of Wilfried Lübs in Germany. Wilfried was the architect of our annual football exchange with SV Sparta Werlte, which commenced in 1980.  In 1979 Wilfried placed an advert in an Essex newspaper looking for a local football team to partner with on an annual exchange programme - Broomfield Football Club accepted. Wilfried’s pioneering energy in the early days of the exchange has ensured it has endured. Many at Broomfield Football Club have participated in the exchange, including generations of families in both countries, over the last 40 plus years and many many lifelong friendships created as a consequence of Wilfried’s vision. With his continued presence it became about more than just football.  He will be sorely missed in Germany and in Broomfield. Our thoughts are with his wife Dorle, daughter Sonja and son Ingo and the wider family at this time.


Der gesamt Broomfield Football Club trauert über den Tod von Wilfried Lübs. Wilfried war der 'Architekt’ des alljährlichen Fußballaustauschs zwischen dem Broomfield Football Club und dem SV Sparta Werlte, der 1980 ins Leben gerufen wurde.  

1979 ließ Wilfried eine Anzeige in einer Zeitung in Essex veröffentlichen: Er wollte eine örtliche Fußballmannschaft für einen jährlichen Austausch finden. Der Broomfield Football Club meldete sich, und unser Austausch war geboren. Bis heute bestehr er — maßgeblich getragen von Wilfrieds Pioniergeist in den Anfangstagen. Viele Mitglieder des Broomfield Football Club haben seit mehr als 40 Jahren an dem Austausch teilgenommen. Generationen von Familien aus beiden Ländern sind zusammengekommen, und Wilfrieds Vision hat viele lebenslange Freundschaften entstehen lassen. Durch seine ständige Präsenz hat Wilfried den Austausch geprägt, in dem es um Fußball ging und geht, aber noch um viel mehr. 

Wilfried wird in Deutschland und in Broomfield schmerzlich vermisst werden. Unsere Gedanken sind in dieser Zeit bei seiner Frau Dorothea, seiner Tochter Sonja und seinem Sohn Ingo sowie der gesamten Familie.


“Sport has the power to change the world ... it has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than government in breaking down barriers.” Nelson Mandela

Clubroom Hire

Do you run a local community initiative or group and you looking for a suitable venue to host your sessions during the week?
Have you considered hiring Broomfield Football & Social Club’s Clubroom?
Broomfield FC have a new purpose built FA/ Football Foundation funded Clubhouse which opened in November 2016, located in Mill Lane, CM1 7BQ.
Our facilities include a good size clubroom with kitchen, toilets (inc Disabled) , cycle racks and ample free parking.
We offer competitive hourly rates and would be happy to talk to any interested parties.

Opening Hours for Hire between : Monday - Thursday 9am - 9pm and 9am to 11pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday

For enquires please contact Lesley Temple by e-mail: or call on 07794 541821

BFC Lottery - Open to All

This season we have established a Lottery Prize draw.

Only £5 a ticket per month which can be paid by standing order or purchase tickets from the Clubhouse Bar if you do want the monthly commitment

This fundraising initiative see 2/3rds retained for Prize funds that month and 1/3rd kept for the Club to go towards maintaining the Pitches and all the facilities we all like to enjoy at the club

Please contact Carolyn Stone on 07940 91 01 41 to confirm details for the standing order

The draw is made at the Club on the last Sunday every month around 3pm

This is vital fundraising initiative for our Club so please share with your friends and family

Good Luck everyone - In it to Win It

BFC Boot Store

BFC launched a Fundraising Boot Store February 2019 to provide an opportunity for unwanted/out grown (but good condition football boots, astro boots & trainers) to be donated to the club for re sale at an affordable price of £8 a pair or less for sale items. 

In our first weekend, we were donated over 25 pairs of boots that were all lovingly prepared by Lesley Temple so they were ready to try on and buy. In its first year more than 180 pairs of boots were donated & over 120 sold.

If you are interested in trying on a pair of boots with a view to making a purchase the Boot Store is open most Saturday mornings from 9am. To view the latest stock availability check out our online store         https://www.Broomfield

We now stock items of preloved training/sports wear, anything from waterproof jackets/trousers, football shirts/shorts, goal keeper wear, branded t-shirts & more. Prices from as little as 50p - no item over £10.

If you would like to make a donation of CLEAN boots or training/sports wear - you can leave them at the clubhouse anytime over the weekend.

All funds raised are reinvested into our club to maintain & improve our facilities.

BFC FAN Club Shop

BFC Snood - £8
BFC Club Scarf - double sided - high quality - £10.00
BFC Sports Bottle - £3.50
BFC Thermal Gloves - £8
BFC Black Beanie Hat - £8.00
BFC Boot Bag - £8.50
BFC SnapBack Baseball Cap - £10.00

Club Shop open most Saturday mornings from 9am
Alternatively you can make you purchases at the Bar/Kitchen or contact Lesley Temple 07794 541821

All funds raised are reinvested into our club to maintain & improve our facilities.


Did you know that you can support the club by shopping online?

Every time you shop online via easyfundraising at one of the 3,300 retailers including John Lewis, Aviva, Sainsbury’s and, a donation will be made to Broomfield FC, and it won’t cost you a penny extra.

It’s really simple to get started;

Go to
and get shopping – your donations will be collected by easyfundraising and automatically sent to Broomfield FC. It couldn’t be easier!

There are no catches or hidden charges and the club will be really grateful for your donations.

Thank you for your support.

Girls Training Sessions - Saturday Mornings

Come and Play, Girls Football at Broomfield Football Club
Session are Saturday mornings
For more details please contact
Samantha Jeeves
No experience necessary - come and give it a try