Safeguarding and Welfare
Broomfield FC takes the safeguarding of all our youth players and the welfare of all players seriously. In accordance with official FA guidelines we have appointed Club Welfare Officers (CWOs). All our Boys and Girls Youth Team Managers and Coaches (including Open Age Football) undertake an Enhanced DBS check every 3 years as well completing mandatory FA Safeguarding Children Training alongside the FA First Aid in Football.
The club also has a Safeguarding Children Policy, and follows the FA Anti-Bullying Policy and Equal Policy as part of our requirement to meet the FA Accredited status (3*** in 2023/24).
Broomfield FC have adopted a range of FA best practice guides to support our ways of working (available on the website), these include:
Use of Social Media, Websites, Texts and e-mails
Use of Dressing Rooms for Youth Football
Appropriate use photography
'Know your rights' for 16 & 17 year olds playing in Open Age Football
We continue to support the FA's RESPECT and 'We Only Do Positive' Campaigns with use of FA codes of conduct for Players, Coaches, Parents and Supporters as well as Match Officials
We will ensure that Respect barriers are in place for all home Youth Football matches, in order to ensure a safe distance between the field of play and supporters. All supporters will be asked by Team Managers to spectate matches safely from behind the barrier and behave in line with the Code of Conduct for spectators.
For 2023-24 Broomfield FC enhanced its Spectators, Parents and Supporters Code of Conduct to introduce a 2 Strike Policy leading to potential match or club ban.
For 2024-25 Broomfield FC are introducing a new Protocol for Dealing with Abusive Spectators, which will also see the implementation of Respect Marshalls.
If you would like to speak to Broomfield Football Club about Safeguarding your first point of contact should be our Club Welfare Officers
Club Welfare Officer Contacts:
Tel No:
E-mail Address:
Joanna Sears (Girls & Boys Youth)
07940 598321
Neil Keeling (Open Age /Adults Teams ) |
07771 565130 | |
Rachel Keeling - Assistant Club Welfare Officer
07810 361186 | |
Other Welfare Lead Officer Contacts are as follows:
Helen Hever - Essex County FA Safeguarding Manager
Emily Reece - Essex County FA Safeguarding Support Manager
(01245) 393098
| |
Youth League Welfare Officers
Blackwater & Dengie Youth League- Angie Owen Tel 07803 909105 Email
Brentwood Community Football Alliance - Nicki Sargood Email
Helpful Websites and Telephone Numbers
Tel: 0808 800 5000
Tel: 0800 1111
SAMARITANS - CALL 116 123 or mail